07/25/13 Today was a day full of odd coincidences! Today I woke up, showered and put sun screen on because I had a shoot in the afternoon around 1:00 out at the beach. Nice and easy start to the day, so I thought... I get a text asking if I am available to fill in for a fit model gig and I let them know that could be there by about 10:00 a.m. but would only be able to stay and hour or an hour and a half. They say that is perfect. So I hop back in the shower to wash off the sunscreen I had just put on. I get in the car where I put on my makeup at every traffic light along the way and arrive to the fit model gig right on time only to have my very good friend open the door once I arrive in the lobby. Unknowingly, to either one of us ahead of time, I have now arrived for a fit model gig for the clothing company she works at. Too funny! Next up, I finish and get back in my car only to wipe off the makeup I have just applied and head to my 1:00 gig. While driving, I receive a phone call asking if I would possibly be available later in the day for another quick shoot as they had a cancellation and would like me to fill in if I am available. I politely thank the casting director and let them know I am already booked and on my way. Thankfully they say no worries and will keep me on file for next time. So, I now arrive to set for my 1:00 gig and after going through hair and makeup a girl sits down beside me and starts chatting; She tells me, she feels bad because she just cancelled on another job for the same afternoon to work on the gig we are there for now. Ha! The call I received earlier was for this girl's replacement because she cancelled on them! Too funny! What a day full of funny coincidences. It is interested because as my acting coach has said, as you are more in the moment, you will notice more coincidences happening. And today was definitely evidence of that. Be in the moment!
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April 2020