09/18/12 Lots of businessy work today! And lots of updates to write about today. I have been cast as a regular on two tv shows. One is a new one airing starting to air next week (but I will not be on until about halfway through the season) and the other is an established show that has been on for around eight seasons. The new show has a lot of potential and hopefully will lead to accomplishing goal one that I mentioned last time. Also, I am excited to announce that I am a new member of the San Fernando Master Chorale. Being a member of this professional performing ensemble fits right in line with goal two. And boy does it feel good to be singing again! Goal three is well on its way as I have been taking improv classes at Second City. These classes are super helpful because with improv there is no time to be in your head and think about and analyze everything. In improv you are forced to just do, just react, which is super helpful for me. And this also goes along with goal five as well, living in the moment and being present. About a month into my goal setting and I am feeling pretty good! Goals in progress! Keep it going and keep the work going and keep the positive thoughts going!
April 2020